Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Monthly Theme - In The Spotlight

It's time to perform and be in the spotlight! Dens can make musical instuments to be used in a pack meeting variety show. Dens can create posters annoucing the show and make programs listing the acts. "Commercials" could be videotaped during den meetings and shown between acts. Visit a local newspaper, radio or cable tv station to see how they produce shows. Attend a play or musucal production. This is a good month to work on the Music belt loop and pin.

Some of the purposes of Cub Scouting developed through this month's theme include:
Respectful Relationships. Boys learn that everyone has different talents and appreciating each other's talents is important.
Perseverance. Boys learn that they need time and practice to be ready to perform in front of an audience.

This theme is designed to promote character development by emphasizing these core values:
Cooperation. Performing together requires being able to work together.
Resoucefulness. Scouts learn to use items for props that might otherwise be thrown away.

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