Friday, August 7, 2009

Cubmaster Minute

We are America today!

As we look down the road Americans have traveled, we see that many of their dreams have come true. We see the towns they have built, the bridges they have crossed, the mountains they have climbed. We feel the hardships they endured. We see places where they hammered off the rough edges of their dreams so we would have a better life today.

The pioneers worked out a way of life, a life of personal freedom that held hope for tomorrow. They made history yesterday – but it is up to us to make it today. This is our land. Here, men and women of the past lived and worked and died serving great ideals. These ideals were freedom and justice.

None of us can fail to carry his part of this great dream to his children and to his children’s children. Our land is rich in material goods, but also in history – in living legends of the people who left their mark on America. Our own past speaks to us and as we listen we hear the voice of the past saying, “Hear me now. Courage, endurance and faith built America, and what was built was good. If you build the same way, the future will also be good.”

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