Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Beltloopapalooza Instructor Info

A couple of details for you:

The cafeteria WILL be open for breakfast if you would like to avail yourself of that opportunity. The all-you-can-eat breakfast will cost you $4.45 per person. Cafeteria will open at 06:30 for breakfast.

Check-in will be in the lobby of the Auditorium of J Building (Boy Scout check in will be in the lobby of J Building). Check in will be open by 07:00. Check-in will be alphabetically by last name. The opening ceremony begins at 07:30 in the J Auditorium.

Room assignments are still being worked out. FEMA has a major deployment underway to the Midwest flooding, and they are taking some of the rooms we were planning to use. We will have that information for you at check-in. Counselors will receive an event patch and a lunch pass at check-in.

Q: WiFi or other internet access and if there were projectors or chalk/dry erase boards in the classrooms.
A: Yes there are computers in the classrooms with internet access as well as projectors and white boards. I'd like to keep the scouts off the computers as much as possible. If they have material for a power point etc, please bring it on a CD or thumb drive.

If you have any questions, please contact us at your convenience.

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