Saturday, July 31, 2010

Closing Thoughts

Something to think about before we start a new year of meetings and advancement, are you a Boss or a Leader?

The boss drives his men;
The leader coaches them.

The boss inspires fear;
The leader inspires enthusiasm

The boss depends on authority:
The leader on goodwill.

The boss says “I”:
The leader says “We”.

The boss assigns tasks;
The leader sets the pace.

The boss says “Get here on time!”
The leader gets there ahead of time.

The boss fixes blame for the breakdown;
The leader fixes the breakdown.

The boss knows how it’s done;
The leader makes it a game.

The boss says "Go!"
The leader says "Let’s go!"

The world needs leaders, but nobody wants a boss. This year let's be leaders of our scouts and not bosses to our son's, and more importantly, let's be great example to our new leaders in our pack as well as our future leaders!

I hope you had a great month in scouting and I'll see you next month!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Despite The Heat...We Went on a Treasure Hunt!

Yesterday, despite the heat we went and did the local walking tour and kids treasure hunt. Thankfully we went in the AM but it was still a scorcher, and we still had fun!


Did you miss going to the Carnival with Pack 195?

We were there!

Day Camp Pictures are Here!

Yes, I apologize for taking so long, but Day Camp Pictures are HERE!
All photos are of our Cub Scout aged boys from Pack 195

At the BB Gun range!

Heading off for the activities!

Robin Hood!

Steady, Aim, Fire!

Doing the Flag/Closing Cermony!

We're all wet!
All photos by Dennis O.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Cubmaster Minute

We shouldn’t take our freedom for granted. Our right of free speech, to worship as we choose, and to enjoy the freedom we have as Americans. Our freedom is often taken for granted. There was a time in our history when man could only hope for these freedoms. And now they have become reality. Our freedom is a result of the courage and sacrifice of thousands of our forefathers. Let us remember what it cost these men to provide our freedoms today and help keep our land free for those citizens of tomorrow.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Monthly Theme - Celebrate Freedom

Celebrate America's freedom established on July 4, 1776,with patriotic songs, games, and family fun. Discover what makes America so special to us. Decide on a birthday present your pack can give to America by doing a service project and a "Good Turn for America." Participate as a den or pack in an Independence Day parade. Enjoy the beauty of our country by participating in outdoor activities. Have a den barbecue or family gathering and share some family heritage about coming to our great nation. Design and serve a birthday cake and sing to America!

Earn the Citizenship and Heritages belt loops and pins.

Some of the purposes of Cub Scouting developed through this month’s theme are:
Good Citizenship. Boys will develop the habits and attitudes to be better citizens when they learn about some of the ideals, traditions, and symbols of our country.
Character Development. Boys will grow in character by giving back to the communities where they live.
Preparation for Boy Scouts. By learning and participating In flag ceremonies, the Cub Scouts will develop pride in America as all Boy Scouts should.
The core value highlighted this month is:
Citizenship, Boys will gain respect for the American Flag through practicing flag courtesies and ceremonies.
Respect, Respect for our country and others is emphasized this month.