Monday, March 22, 2010

New Committee Chair

Kim Osborne has accepted the position of Committee Chair. Many thanks to Kim for taking on this critical role. A Co-Chair would also be a good idea so if anyone else was considering this position you may still sign-up and help out in an official capacity.

Please send Kim a thank you if you see her. Remember behind every successful Scout is a supportive parent.

Thanks Kim!

Pack 195 News


  • The March Pack meeting will take place on Wednesday, March 24 at the Walkersville Volunteer Fire Department at 6:30 p.m. Pack 1070 will be joining us for a visit from the Air Methods Life Net 8-1 Helicopter which should arrive around 7 p.m. No awards will be given at this Pack meeting.
  • Registration forms for the Big Sweep need to be handed in at this meeting. Dave has e-mailed the registration, collection and donor receipt forms out to everyone so please bring your completed registration forms to this meeting. Parents do not need to register, unless they want a t-shirt. Anyone wanting a t-shirt needs to collect at least $35 in donations.
  • Registration forms for day camp to be held June 14-18 will be handed out. Completed forms with payment are due at the April 22 pack meeting. Cost is $150 for cubs. Adults wanting to attend need to complete a medical form as well. Tiger Cubs please note that a parent does not need to attend as Tigers will have moved to the next rank by then.


  • The April committee meeting will take place on Thursday, April 15 at 7:00 p.m. at St Paul’s Lutheran Church. All parents are invited to attend. Collection forms and donations for the Big Sweep are due at this meeting or give to your den leader before this to bring to the committee meeting.
  • Saturday, April 17 will be a 3 mile Webelos hike. Location and time to be determined. All Pack members are invited to attend.
  • April’s Pack meeting will take place on Thursday, April 22 at 7 p.m. at St Paul’s Lutheran Church. The theme is Spring in Action. Completed day camp forms and payment are due at this meeting.
  • Pack 195 will be participating in the Big Sweep on Saturday, April 24. We will be picking up trash on Monocacy Boulevard from Route 26 to the Monocacy River including the soccer fields. Time TBD. Breakfast will be served for participants from 7:30 a.m. until 9:00 a.m. at the Frederick Elks Lodge at 289 Willowdale Drive. This event is held rain or shine and is a fundraiser for the pack and your child’s pack account.


  • Pack 195 will visit the Air and Space Museum at Dulles Airport in Virginia on Saturday, May 8. Time TBD. Admission is free but there is a $12 parking fee so carpooling is encouraged.
  • The pack will do a spring recruitment at the spring fairs at Glade Elementary and Walkersville Elementary. Anyone with information on the dates and times of these events should contact Dave.
  • The May committee meeting will take place on Thursday, May 20 at St. Paul’s at 7 p.m. All parents are invited to attend.
  • Thursday, May 27 at 7:00 p.m. will be the May Pack meeting at Heritage Park in Walkersville. In the event of bad weather, we will meet at St. Paul’s as usual.
  • We will have a picnic on Saturday, June 5. Location and time to be finalized but probably at Heritage Park in the afternoon. The pack will provide the meat and each den will be given a category of items to bring such as desserts or salads, etc. Our bridging ceremony will take place at this event for all moving up to the next rank.
  • Day Camp will take place June 14-18.


  • The pack will hold 2 events each month. Cubs get credit toward a summer activity award if they attend one event in June, July and August.
  • Cub World at Camp Snyder In Virginia will take place in July or August. Dave will be sending an e-mail to pack members shortly asking them to vote for their 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice of dates. Please do not vote unless you have a real interest in attending so as to not skew the results. Choices will be July 16-18, August 6-8, and August 13-15. Cost will depend upon time of registration. Early registration is $210 scout/$100 parent, $230 scout/$120 parent for normal registration, and $250 scout/$140 parent for late registration. Not all scouts will need a parent in attendance but we do need a ratio of parents to scouts so we will need a few parents to attend. Dave and several pack members attended last year and everyone highly recommends this event.
  • The pack will have a July event at the Walkersville Carnival. Date and Time TBD. Will take place on an “all you can ride for one price” night.
  • Other possible events for the summer are a battlefield visit to either Gettysburg or Antietam and a visit to Arlington National Cemetery. Timing of these will depend on the date selected by the pack for Cub World at Camp Snyder.

Other Pack News

  • Dave Toohey has accepted the position of Assistant Cubmaster. Many thanks to Dave for taking on this leadership position. Another assistant would be ideal so please contact Dave if you are interested in learning more.
  • Kim Osborne has accepted the position of Committee Chair. Many thanks to Kim for taking on this critical role. A Co-Chair would also be a good idea so if anyone else was considering this position you may still sign-up and help out in an official capacity.
  • Your help is needed in many areas. We have many active Webelo parents who will be moving to Boy Scouts over the next year so now is the time for parents of younger scouts to step up and become more active. Thank you for your consideration!

Cub Leader Training

  • I am working on getting both Committee Chair and Cubmaster Training offered at the April Roundtable. Anyone interested in taking this trianing should go to and create an account and complete the This is Scouting and Youth protection training first.

Dates to Remember

March 24 –Pack meeting, Big Sweep Registration Due

April 15 – Committee Meeting, Big Sweep Collection Forms and Money Due

April 17 – Webelo hike, all invited

April 22 – Pack meeting, Day Camp forms and payment due

April 24 – Big Sweep

May 8 – Visit to Air and Space Museum

May 20 –Committee Meeting

May 27 – Pack Meeting

June 5 – Pack Picnic and Bridge Ceremony

June 14-18 – Day Camp

Friday, March 12, 2010

Cubmaster Minute

The words, "Aim for the Stars" have an important meaning to Cub Scouts. Think of Thomas Edison who tried and failed hundreds of times before he perfected the electric light bulb. He never quit trying. A Cub Scout, who tries to do his best and keeps trying, is preparing himself for greater responsibilities when he becomes a man. What you do and how well you do it becomes your launching pad to "Aim for the Stars."

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Asssitant Cubmaster

I am proud to announce that David Toohey has decided to take on the position of Assistant Cubmaster!

Welcome aboard David!

The offer still stands though, a couple more Assistant Cubmasters would be ideal.

Also the Committee Chair position is still open. As I noted earlier now would be the perfect opportunity to step into this important and exciting position. Don't think you can do it all on your own? Well you don't have to, that's why you have a committee, but that doesn't mean you can't talk one of your other Den Parents into helping you Co-Chair the position.

Think about it...and I'm sure you'll agree. The time you spend now, will pay off major dividends in your son's future.

Super Derby

Date: March 13th, 2010

Time: RACING STARTS AT 12:00 pm (NOON)

Location: St Timothy's Catholic Church 8651 Biggs Ford Rd.,Walkersville, MD, 21793 (Pack 1070 has reserved it for us!)

March 12th, 2010 - 7:00-9:00 pm Pre Check-In
March 13th, 2010 - 6:00-9:00 am site setup9:00am to 12:00 Noon. Final Check-In


Going to Super Derby from our pack are!
1. Dylan Funk
2.Tyler Thomason
3. Hayden Stinson

Cub Scouts:
1. Nick Powers
2. Shaun KewalRamani
3. Michael Vizas

1. Kaleb Everett
2. Zack Waters
3. Matthew Toohey

Monthly Theme - Take Flight

Air has the power to push and pull objects so fast that they can fly. This month learn all about air and why it is needed to fly. Learn about gravity. Make your own flying machines and learn about the Wright brothers. Figure out which types of paper airplanes fly further, higher, faster and longer, and why. Hold a pack-wide plane derby fun night! How many things can you name that can fly? Study birds and their flyways. Why do some birds fly in a V formation? Hold a den or pack kite derby this month. Take a field trip to the airport or a science museum. Earn the Science belt loop and pin.

Some of the purposes of Cub Scouting developed through this month’s theme are:

Sportsmanship and Fitness. Boys will demonstrate good sportsmanship while participating in the pack kite derby or paper airplane derby.

Fun and Adventure. Cub Scouts will explore the exciting world of flight.

Personal Achievement. Boys will feel a sense of pride as they watch their creations take to the air.

The core values highlighted this month is:

Courage. Cub Scouts will learn of the courage it takes to follow one's dreams.

Health and Fitness. The outdoor activities of early Spring lend themselves to promoting health and fitness.

Can you think of others?