Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Pinewood Derby Info

Race Day is Saturday, January 30, 2010!

Don't miss out!

Our Agenda for Saturday is:
Race Staff show up at 9:15

Check - In 10:00
(Please do not be late. Late check-ins hold up everyone in your group.)

***PLEASE Enter the Socail Hall via the stairs and Side Door of the building. The Large Double doors will be located behind the track start location and we need to minimize foot traffic around the laptops and cableing***

Opening Flag Ceremony 10:30

Announcements 10:32

Pack Awards 10:45

Tigers Start Racing 11:00 [All times are estimates, some groups may finish early some may run longer.]

Cub Scouts (Bears and Wolves) 11:30

Webelos 12:00

Adults 12:30

Siblings 1:00

Closing Ceremony 1:30

Clean-up 1:35

We will be running an impound race format, meaning that once your cars is checked in you will not get it back until the Blue & Gold Banquet OR until after the Super Derby in March. (This rule excludes Adult and Sibling cars)

Who we send to the Super Derby
1st, 2nd, and 3rd place Tigers
1st, 2nd, and 3rd place Cub Scouts
1st, 2nd, and 3rd place Webelos

Awards, Trophys, Car Placement, Stats, Etc will be awarded/announced at the Blue & Gold Banquet.

NOTE: IF you wish to build and race a car in the Open Class / Sibling Class race at the Super Derby you need to register your entry PRIOR to Tuesday, February 9, 2010 so that the Super Derby committee knows how many Trophy's, etc to purchase. Cost for this class if $5.00 per car.
Pinewood derby track set-up will take place Friday evening beginning at 7:00 PM with a work group getting the track out of storage at my house and loading the track into trucks for transport to the race location. Set-up at the race location will begin about 7:20 PM and end about 10:30 PM

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Cubmaster Minute

What is the most powerful thing you can think of? Is it a locomotive that can pull a hundred railroad cars? Or is it a mighty rocket with giant engines that roar and belch fire? Is it a nuclear energy plant with enough power to light up a whole city? Or is it the sun, with enough energy to warm a whole planet?
As powerful as all these things are, there is a limit to their energy. A locomotive and a rocket can run out of fuel, and the fuel rods of a nuclear plant wear out after a while. Even the sun sets after a few hours, leaving half the world cold and in darkness.
But there is another power source that never runs out of energy and that will never leave us in the cold. That power is God, and it’s important that we learn how to connect with God’s power. We learn how to do that by regularly attending our place of worship and living by the values we learn there.
Why don’t you ‘plug in’ to the greatest power in the universe by worshipping God this week.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Monthly Theme: Power up!

Boys explore the science of energy through solar, electrical and wind power and how this energy is used in everyday life. They can explore different ways to conserve energy and protect the world we live in. Work on the Science or Weather belt loop and pin. Boys can invite friends to join in the pinewood derby and discover power behind those little cars. What type of things are powered up by the flip of a switch? A field trip to the local waterworks or power plant might be a part of a den's monthly plan. Finish the month with a real power-packed pack meeting. The boys can power up by being physically fit and working on the Physical Fitness belt loop and pin.

Some of the purposes of Cub Scouting developed through this month’s theme are:

Good Citizenship. Cub Scouts will see that a small act of conservation can have a large impact upon their community.
Family Understanding. Family relationships will be stronger as Cub Scouts and their-families work together on energy conservation.
Fun and Adventure. Boys will enjoy exploring various forms of energy through games and activities.
Sportsmanship. With the competitive environment of a pinewood derby, boys should strive to demonstrate good sportsmanship at all times.
The core values highlighted this month are:
Responsibility. Cub Scouts will learn to be more dependable in conserving our natural resources.
Compassion. The boys will learn compassion for all the pinewood derby participants, winners and losers alike.