What can possibly be in a Cub Scout's pocket? What is in a boy's pocket can tell a lot about who he is and what he likes.The boys can share and show off their collections and maybe even start a new one! Put some marbles in the boy's pockets and teach him how to play the game of marbles. Pick an interest of the boys and go on a field trip to explore and learn about it. Maybe a trip to a rock quarry in search of fossils, or a nature hike around the den meeting site to pick up items. This is also a great month to educate the boys on what can go on their uniform and then make some goals to accomplish their rank advancement, special awards, belt loops and pins, and involvement in camps and council events. This might be a good month to work on the Collecting or Marbles belt loopand pin.
Some of the purposes of Cub Scouting developed through this month’s theme are:Family Understanding, Cub Scouts and their family members share memories through their collections.
Personal Achievement, Boys take pride in their new interests and collections.
Fun and Adventure, Starting a new hobby is an adventure that can lead to hours of FUN
The core value highlighted this month is:Honesty: While enjoying and sharing their hobby of collecting, the boys will learn the importance of being trustworthy and loyal.
Cooperation: Cub Scouts will find that when they work together with their buddies, they will have lots of new ideas and collectibles to add to their pockets.
Resourcefulness: Cub Scouts have the opportunity to be creative with the treasures found in their pockets.