Friday, May 29, 2009

Cubmaster Minute

One of the great things about being on a campout is being able to see clearly all the stars in the sky. They look so small, but only because they are so far away. Our Cub Scouts are stars themselves, shining brightly as they follow our Promise and our Motto. As long as you continue to do your best, you will have a light shining with you for all the world to see.

Cubmaster Dave

May Pack Meeting

The Pack held its May Pack Meeting on Thursday, May 28, 2009, where we awarded two of our Tiger Cubs with their Tiger Badge!


Although the meeting got off to a rocky start with a last minute location change due to a thunderstorm, we all had a fun evening and met one of our newest members Zack.

Welcome Aboard Zack!

Our next Pack Meeting will be our Bridging Ceremony at Heritage Farm Park on Saturday, June 13, 2009, so I hope to see you all there as we celebrate the accomplishments our Scouts have achieved this year and help them along the trail towards their Arrow of Light and ultimately their Eagle Scout!

More to come.

Cubmaster Dave

Welcome to Cub Scouting!

Cub Scouting is for boys in grades First through Fifth. The first badge all Cub Scouts earn, regardless of age, is the Bobcat Badge.

Boys of different ages have different ranks in Cub Scouting. As you go from Tiger Cub (age 7) to Webelos Scout (age 10), you learn new things and new skills that you use to meet new challenges as you get older.

1st graders join as Tiger Cubs, where each boy works with an adult partner on the requirements to earn his Tiger Cub badge.

2nd graders join as Wolf Cubs. They go to weekly den meetings on their own, but their families still help them work on the requirements for the Wolf badge.

3rd graders join as a Bear Cub. They also work with their families to do the requirements for the Bear badge, but boys this old have enough knowledge and skill to take on more of the work by themselves.

4th and 5th graders join as Webelos Scouts. Webelos Scouts do more advanced activities to get ready to earn the Arrow of Light and graduate into Boy Scouting.

Each rank is formed into dens made up of 4 – 7 boys and their adult leaders. If a Den so chooses they may create and display their own Den flag at Den and Pack meetings and adorn their Den flag with streamers awarded for different accomplishments.

Pack 195 boasts a 100% graduation rate of its active Cub Scouts into Boy Scouts.